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Nutritional Support 

You are what you assimilate

The assimilation of nutrients also depends on the composition and activity of the human intestinal microbiota.

La nutrition de précision vise à élaborer des conseils nutritionnels dynamiques en interaction avec notre environnement interne et externe

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"You are what you eat" or should we say "You are what you assimilate", shows us the importance of metabolic heterogeneity ("other" heteros and "origin" genos).


Nutrients rich in enzymes and energy (biogenic),  those which sustain life (bioactive), those which slow down life (biostatic) or those which can destroy life (biocidal) must pass through complex metabolic pathways which vary from person to person. the other. This diversity is caused by genetic and epigenetic variation, the composition and activity of the microbiota, and differences in lifestyle.


Precision Nutrition is based on personalized nutritional recommendations to treat or prevent metabolic disorders. It aims to develop dynamic nutritional advice in interaction with our internal and external environment.


I propose an initial session of about 1H30 intended for a person ready to face this world. My assistance begins with a 15 minute phone call to understand what you want to achieve. I will then ask you to complete a detailed questionnaire on your health, your diet and your lifestyle to be able to study your case before our first meeting.


By using the health history questionnaires and nutritional assessments, we will define the direction we want to take for your personalized nutrition program .


When to start?  As soon as you are ready to make the leap! You too can change your personal outlook on nutrition and learn the skills to make positive and lasting changes in your life. Let’s work together to help your retreive your radiant health! 


Action fields:

  • poor digestion, heartburn, food allergies, seasonal allergies, fatigue, hypoglycemia, diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, joint pain, inflammation, acne, rash, fertility issues, PCOS, immunity, sugar cravings, weight management, menopause, chronic stress , sleep disorders, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular health, etc.


Price of individual nutritional consultation :

  • First consultation 1h30: 90 €

  • Follow-up consultation 1h: 45 €

  • Weekly coaching sessions of 20-30 minutes (Skype, Zoom): 25 €

  • Convenient remote support to meet your needs


Price of nutritional plan for the whole family

  • 3 private sessions of 2 hours with the whole family: 150 € / session 

  • Coaching on how to tackle your family's specific challenges

  • Action plan with meal planning, shopping list including recipes

  • Ability to ask questions and get help remotely


Make an appointment:



  • My nutritional therapy programs are tailored to your needs and my recommendations are based on the most recent scientific studies and clinical research and experience.  

  • I can work with your usual healthcare professional to explain any proposed nutritional therapy program.

  • To give your body enough time to heal and see all the benefits of your nutrition program, a minimum of three consultations is usually needed. I will educate and partner with you to meet your health goals. 


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