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Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy is the art of providing the body with the right molecule (orthomolecule) at the right time (chronobiology). By feeding yourself and your digestive microbiome 2 to 3 times a day, we can prevent and stop metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, arthritis, depression...all of which are widespread in western countries. Nutritional Therapy helps you retreive your balance (homeostasis) by avoiding certain toxics and allergens, by applying intermittent fasting, detoxification, by integrating targeted nutrients, multivitamins and multimineralized preparations containing essential fatty acids, enzymes, soluble  and insoluble fibers...

petits pots d'épices tels que poivre, paprika, romarins.. fermés
Pots d'épices tels que poivre, parpika, romarins...ouverts

We neglect many things regarding our health. In addition to any aknowledged diseases,the following is a partial list of symptoms caused by micro-deficiencies linked to certain organs...

Adrenal glands

Chronic fatigue, yawning in the afternoon, chronic low back pain, clenching or grinding your teeth (bruxism), difficulty falling asleep, difficulty starting in the morning, weakness, dizziness ... burnout !

Human microbiome

Acne in adults and children, eczema, halitosis (bad breath), asthma, allergies, dark circles under the eyes, loaded tongue, fatigue...

Liver and gall bladder

Pain between the shoulder blades, hemorrhoids  or varicose veins, fatty or shiny stools, sensitivity to cigarette smoke or chemicals, nausea ...

Cardiovascular system

Shortness of breath on moderate exertion, face turning red without reason, discomfort at altitude, muscle cramp on exertion, heavy and / or irregular breathing ...



Kidneys and bladder

Pain in the middle of the back, puffiness around the eyes, circles under the eyes, cloudy, dark or strong-smelling urine.


Loss of a lateral third of the eyebrow, sensitivity to cold, poor circulation, difficulty losing weight, chronic constipation...



Some good habits to adopt ...


  • Eating local, organic and if possible "farm

      to table" food helps to        preserve the vitamins   

      and minerals in food

      as much as possible. 

      Dead soil leads to a            depletion of nutrients

      in the food  we eat.


      Eating dead food 

      makes you tired and



  • Eating unprocessed food. Food available

      to us is polluted, 

      refined, too sweet,

      too salty, full of  poor          quality fats, 



      destroyed by           

      increasingly                        aggressive cooking...


      Why? Because that            kind of  food is cheap        and meant for long

      consumption due to its

     "synthetical freshness"

      quality.  The result     

      is empty calories with 

      low  nutritional value. 


     In fact, the Westerners       suffer from malnutrition 

     followed by overeating.


  • Learning how to make the right food combinations will help you absorb all the nutrients in the food you eat.


  • Sprouting seeds. Researchers found a significant increase in antioxidant activity on days 2-5 of germination. During this period, a sprout synthesizes an enormous amount of antioxidant-vitamins, in particular vitamins B, C, D ... For example,

       in certain varieties of           beans, the level of               vitamin C increases 

       six hundred times, the         vitamin E in sprouted           wheat, a dozen times.         The content of       

       carotenoids and

       bioflavonoids also     

       increases significantly.


  • Cutting and chopping onions and garlic releases alliinase, an enzyme that helps form a nutrient called allicin. However, it is destroyed if cooked for even one minute but when consumed raw it helps to form other compounds that can protect you from getting ill.


  • Soaking your grains and beans reduces phytic acid, which potentially blocks the absorption of iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium.  


" When someone desires health, we must first ask him if he is ready to remove the causes of his disease. Only then is it possible to help him "

Hippocrates, around -460 and around -370 BC  


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